Case study – modern methods of controlling polymerization processes in the chemical industry

Polymerization processes play a key role in many industries. In these processes, precise control is essential to ensure high product quality and minimize waste and costs. However, traditional methods of polymerization control are often inaccurate and rely on infrequent lab tests.ak często nieprecyzyjne i polegają na rzadkich testach laboratoryjnych. The solution to these problems is […]

Urea – definition, properties and uses

Urea, also known as carbamide, is an organic chemical compound of global importance. Its versatility and application in various fields make it the subject of scientific research and technological innovation. Urea – definition and structure Urea consists of two amine groups joined by a carbonyl group, which gives it its characteristic chemical properties. It is […]

Hydrolats – what they are, uses and properties

Hydrolats, also known as floral waters, are part of the world of aromatherapy and natural cosmetics. These are waters extracted during the distillation of plants, and their properties and uses are attracting increasing attention from natural product enthusiasts and scientists alike. Hydrolats – what are they and how to use them? Hydrolats are waters extracted […]

The role of quality control in the food industry. Why is it critical to food safety?

The food industry plays a key role in providing consumers with safe and high-quality food products around the world. One of the most important elements in food production is quality control, which ensures that products meet certain standards and comply with regulations. However, today’s technological innovations are bringing new opportunities in the field of quality […]

Quality control in the cosmetics industry using optical Raman spectroscopy method

The cosmetics industry is one of the sectors where quality control plays a key role. Customers expect products that not only meet their skin care and beauty expectations, but are also safe for health. One of the most modern tools used in cosmetics quality control is Raman spectroscopy, which enables non-invasive and precise analysis of […]

New CSRD directive – companies will be forced to introduce waste monitoring and control

All major companies operating in the European Union will be required to make available information on the effects of their activities on people and the environment, along with identification of potential sustainability risks to which they are subject. What is the New CSRD? The new CSRD introduces fresh regulations that significantly expand the number of […]